Assalamualaikum wr wbt and Good Day!
Today is Thursday and guess what? All of my lecture today is cancelled! I don't really know how to respond. Whether I should be happy or sad. My mother sent me to the university so that I can learn and study and achieve a good CGPA. I feel bad so I don't really cheered about having no lecture today. I feel sad instead, hehe.
What my English lecturer told me about me yesterday kinda bothered me. I was the only one to raise up my hand when she asked who would like to be a lecturer and lecturing. Then she asked why? I just said that I love to talk and would like to have my audience to listen to me while I'm talking. Then she said, "You love attention". I just smiled because only I myself know how much I really want attention while I'm talking.
Have you ever feel what its like to talk but nobody listen? Have you ever feel like people been treating you as if you are invisible? Have you ever feel like you're talking but it seems don't interest others to listen? To me it happen most of the time.
Well, I talk about my involvement in public speaking a lot lately. I enjoy public speaking so much. It is the only chance and time where I can stand in front of a crowd, talk and have them to listen to me! The feeling is amazing. People set their focus on you and not even once turning their face away. I must say that I find my true potential with public speaking.
Most people labelled me as a quiet and 'stupid' person because I don't talk so much. Well, despite of my weaknesses, I find my true strength- public speaking. I do have a senior who was a very quiet and always keeping to himself during high school. I was shocked to see that he later became a debater when he was in university! Amazing...
All in all, it's not that bad after all to be such a quiet person. I talk less, I gossiping less and I cursing and swearing less. lol. :)
p/s: No offence but it's really true............................................................................................
and oh, I miss you so so much MR Cat!!!!!!!
Rawr!! but dont worry he won't bite :) |